入境美國的外籍旅客需要填寫兩份表格,一份是美國海關申報表〈Custom Declaration〉,一份是 I-94 出入境卡 〈I-94 Form〉。
I-94 卡對於入境美國的外籍旅客非常重要,該卡上記載該旅客可在美國停留的有效日期,通常由美國移民官訂在旅客的護照上。在旅客離開美國時,該卡必須要繳交給航空公司,而航空公司則轉交給美國移民局。以建立該旅客出入美國的紀錄,否則將來該旅客有可能會被美國拒絕入境。
I-94 入境記錄卡 |
I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-Instructions
I-94 入境/離境記錄說明
This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.
Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.
This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17).
此表包括兩部分,請填寫入境記錄 (第1項至第13項)和出境記錄(第 14項至第17項)兩部分。
When all items are completed, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.
Item 7 - If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.
第 7 項內容說明 - 如果你從陸路進入美國,請在空格內填寫“LAND”。如果你是搭乘船隻進入美國,請在空格內填寫“SEA”。
I-94 Arrival Record
I-94 入境記錄
1. Family Name 〈姓〉
2. First (Given) Name 〈名〉
3. Birth Date (Day/Mo/Yr) 〈生日(月/日/年)〉
4. Country of Citizenship 〈國籍〉
5. Sex (Male or Female) 〈性別(男性 Male 或女姓 Female )請選擇〉
6. Passport Number〈護照號碼〉
7. Airline & Flight Number 〈航空公司及班機號碼〉
8. Country Where You Live 〈居住國〉
9. City Where You Boarded 〈你在哪個城市搭乘飛機〉
10. City Where Visa Was Issued 〈在哪個城市取得簽證〉
11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr) 〈取得簽證日期(日/月/年)〉
12. Address While in the United State (Number and Street) 〈在美國的住址(門牌號及街名)〉
13. City and State 〈在美國的住址(市名及州名)〉
Departure Number 890738531 01 〈離境號碼 890738531 01〉
Immigration and Naturalization Service 〈移民局〉
I-94 Departure Record 〈I-94 離境記錄〉
14. Family Name 〈姓〉
15. First (Given) Name〈名〉
16. Birth Date (Day/Mo/Yr) 生日(日/月/年)〉
17. County of Citizenship 〈國籍〉
假如把 I-94 Form丟掉或損壞了,要向美國移民局申請補發。有意要在美國延期停留,改變原有非移民簽證等,都一定要有 I-94 Form,如果入境時沒有發給 I-94 Form 則應該向移民局申請補發。以防萬一,入境美國後,記得馬上把I-94表格影印一份,包括正反面,然後和其它重要證件一起妥善保存。